Introducing ML News πŸ“ˆ

ML News (MLN for short) is a community for sharing and discussing all things related to machine learning, deep learning, AI, data science, and the like.

Join The Community

Inspired by Hacker News,, r/MachineLearning, and the original Slashdot, ML News was created as a dedicated place for experts and enthusiasts to engage in open learning, discussion, and occasional whimsy.

There are many different channels for tech-related news. In our experience, these are often flooded with not-so-relevant posts which somehow fall under the "tech" umbrella. We've had a longstanding habit of sharing interesting ML-related articles and field-defining research with friends and peers, and know that we are by far not the only ones. That's why we decided to build a community dedicated to the field of ML. We hope that by narrowing the scope, we can build a space where ML people like ourselves can easily find interesting news, breakthroughs, and updates in the field, or essentially anything which could pique our interest.

From ML experts to AI enthusiasts, this is a community that values honest debate, curiosity, positivity, and good humor. We'd love to hear your voice as well.

We also have no plans whatsoever to monetize this product. We may at some point decide to offer an ML jobs board if there is demand for it -- but otherwise we think it’s essential to our mission to remain completely free of charge and free of all data egress from the platform -- always and in perpetuity for as long as the community is sustained.

Join the community using the code convergence. Please also let us know what you think if you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback.

And most importantly, welcome to ML News!