Public profiles in Gradient are designed to make it easier to publish and discover machine learning projects on the Gradient platform.
As always, we are eager to hear your feedback. Claim your user or team handle today and let us know what you think. We are excited to see what you build! 🙌
Claim your user or team handle!
You can create a custom handle for your personal account as well as one for any shared team you manage. This enables you to share your Public Notebooks easily with the world!
Your public profile will be visible at{your_handle}

Share your profile
Once you have made your public profile you can now start sharing your work. Currently public profiles only support public notebooks, but soon you will be able to share Projects, Models, Datasets, and more.

Learn more at the docs
Check out the docs to learn more about Gradient public profiles and where we are heading next.

Want to see some sample public notebooks?
Head over to our new ML Showcase where we are collecting sample public notebooks and projects.