Why you should move your company to the cloud

Okay, so you're intrigued by virtual desktops but you're still not convinced of the benefits. Here are five reasons you should move to the cloud:

1) Remote access

Mobility is not a buzzword. Working remotely or on-the-go is a must in today's economy. This typically means setting up complex and sluggish VPNs or a hodgepodge of clunky remote desktop apps. We talk to customers on a daily basis who have practically given up on working remotely because it is such a painful process. With Paperspace, every device becomes a portal into your desktop and the entire office network. Streaming a desktop is simply much faster and easier than moving an ever-increasing number of files around. It's a new paradigm for the techno-nomadic worker.

2) Hardware is a pain

Managing mission critical computers and shared servers is a headache for most businesses. There's the initial acquisition, the maintenance, and the upgrades and all of these steps require either IT consultants or a dedicated IT department to manage. Computers often feel outdated in the first year—because they are. A Paperspace machine is the last computer you'll ever need to buy. No 36 month lifecycle, no maintenance and upgrades are a click away. Imagine never worrying about a failed hard-drive or spilling coffee on your laptop again. Need ten new machines for your summer interns? You can create them in two minutes via the Management Console and remove them at the end of the summer with the click of a button. The world is moving towards a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model and so should you.

3) Simplified software management

Virtual desktops are far superior at software management than traditional workstations. Here are a few examples:

  • Easily create a template with all your applications/settings and distribute it across your entire company.
  • Snapshots and rollbacks are a click away, something that is nearly impossible without using virtual machines.
  • Control who has access to what via a centralized management console

4) Cost

Virtual machines eliminate the high upfront cost of purchasing computers in exchange for a predictable monthly fee. In addition, this model transforms your computer CapEx problem into an OpEx opportunity. But there's more: Consumers measure the cost of a computer only by the initial upfront purchase. Businesses need to factor in the management of computers as well, often referred to as TCO or Total Cost of Ownership. Since TCO is often 2 1/2 - 3 times the direct cost of the hardware, this matters. Paperspace's monthly cost includes all of the hardware management associated with TCO. Finally, we're managing hardware at massive volume and we pass these economy of scale savings directly onto you.

5) Security

Security is the primary reason why virtual machines are used today. Why? Because with this model, no data is ever stored on an employee device.[1] This means, if a laptop is lost or stolen, there is minimal risk of data ending up in the wrong hands. From a design standpoint, it's much easier to secure a single centralized system than to secure each individual endpoint.[1:1] Security is all about control: With virtual machines, you decide who has access and when, all from a simple control panel.

Virtual desktops in the cloud are the future of enterprise computing. Some people call it the age of "DaaS" or Desktop-as-a-Service. We like to avoid the term DaaS because our competitors have given it such a bad name. We just call it Paperspace.

  1. Nerds like us refer to this as "minimizing the attack surface." ↩︎ ↩︎