Paperspace Joins TensorFlow AI Service Partners

4 years ago   •   2 min read

By Olivia Lengyel

[12/2/2021 Update: This article contains information about Gradient Experiments. Experiments are now deprecated, and Gradient Workflows has replaced its functionality. Please see the Workflows docs for more information.]

We're excited to announce that we've partnered with the TensorFlow team as an official AI service Partner. As one of the world's most popular open source machine learning frameworks, with over 100+ million downloads, TensorFlow announced this partnership to focus on empowering more enterprises with AI-based systems to tackle their most challenging business problems.

As a TensorFlow AI Service Partner, our Gradient team will be working closely with the TensorFlow team to enable more teams to accelerate their ML projects. This includes regularly sharing insights and product feedback, as well as working together to make enhancements and improvements that specifically address enterprise ML needs.

Today, millions of companies around the world are investing in machine learning to tackle problems across practically every industry.  TensorFlow, an open source project created by the Google Brain team, is a wildly popular ML framework that supports end-to-end workflows from training to model serving.  TensorFlow has native support for distributed training and several other advanced capabilities that make the framework especially valuable in delivering production applications.

TensorFlow is tightly integrated with Gradient, Paperspace's MLOps platform that drastically simplifies the research and production phases of developing ML models. Gradient supports any version of TensorFlow for Notebooks, Experiments, or Jobs (see TensorFlow Serving for deploying trained models). A set of pre-built TensorFlow containers is provided out of the box though customers can also bring their own customized TensorFlow containers.  See our integrations page for more examples of TensorFlow support within Gradient including automatic model parsing and built-in distributed training capabilities.

Selecting a TensorFlow container in Gradient

Gradient customers are using TensorFlow for a wide range of applications, such as computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), recommender systems, anomaly detection, and much more.  For example, Spectrum Labs is using Gradient to deliver toxic chat detection models to internet dating, gaming, marketplace, and social media communities.  

Our ML Showcase, blog, and GitHub repo have many TensorFlow based entry-level and production-ready sample projects covering many of the popular areas within machine learning.  

This collaboration will unlock new possibilities and we couldn't be happier to formalize this relationship.

To get started, you can create a free account or drop us a line.

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