Ahmed Fawzy Gad
AI/ML engineer and a talented technical writer who authors 4 scientific books and more than 80 articles and tutorials. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmedfgad
Using PoseNet To Create a Snapchat-Like Eye Filter for Android
Although PoseNet is most commonly applied to human pose estimation, in this tutorial we'll see how it can be used to make an eye filter for Android apps.
Building an App for Eye Filters with PoseNet
In this tutorial we'll use the pretrained PoseNet model to detect keypoints of the human body in an Android app.
Implementing The Levenshtein Distance for Word Autocompletion and Autocorrection
This tutorial works through a step-by-step example of how to implement the Levenshtein distance in Python for word autocorrection and autocompletion.
Measuring Text Similarity Using the Levenshtein Distance
This tutorial works through a step-by-step example of how the Levenshtein distance is calculated using dynamic programming.
Working With The Lambda Layer in Keras
In this tutorial we'll cover how to use the Lambda layer in Keras to build, save, and load models which perform custom operations on your data.
Image Compression Using Autoencoders in Keras
In this tutorial we cover a thorough introduction to autoencoders and how to use them for image compression in Keras.