Vihar Kurama
I am co-founder at Keatser Inc. I love things related to Deep Learning and Data Science. My research interest focuses on Computer Vision, Deep Neural networks and few fields of Cognitive Science.
A Comprehensive Guide to the DataLoader Class and Abstractions in PyTorch
In this post, we'll deal with one of the most challenging problems in the fields of Machine Learning and Deep Learning: the struggle of loading and handling different types of data.
A Review of Popular Deep Learning Architectures: DenseNet, ResNeXt, MnasNet, and ShuffleNet v2
In this tutorial we will explore the four popular deep learning architectures for efficiently developing deep learning models.
A Review of Popular Deep Learning Architectures: AlexNet, VGG16, and GoogleNet
Dive into a review of three foundational deep-learning architectures. Discover their key contributions, strengths, and how they paved the way for modern AI advancements.
Fighting COVID-19 with Data and AI: A Review of Active Research Groups and Datasets
In this article we'll cover 8 different active groups doing game-changing research on COVID-19 treatment, diagnosis, and prognosis, plus open datasets.