

Writing VGG from Scratch in PyTorch

In this article we will explore how to write the VGG from scratch in PyTorch by constructing a deep CNN characterized by its uniform architecture of multiple stacked convolutional layers.

By Nouman
3 years ago

YOLOR object detection in Gradient

In this new tutorial, we will examine YOLOR object detection with PyTorch in detail to see how it combines implicit and explicit information with a unified representation. We then demonstrate how to use YOLOR with Gradient Notebooks.

By James Skelton
3 years ago
Machine Learning

Weights & Biases with Gradient

Follow this guide to learn how to integrate the Weights and Biases API with your code in Gradient Notebooks! Readers should expect to learn how to get started with Weights and Biases, how to integrate it with Gradient, and how to log your training results in Weights and Biases via Gradient.

By Joshua Robison
3 years ago

PyTorch Loss Functions

Follow this guide to learn about the various loss functions available to use with PyTorch neural networks, and see how you can directly implement a custom loss function in their stead.

By Henry Ansah Fordjour
3 years ago